Bull Brand corned meat snack samoosa Having a party? Make these delicious snack samoosas to wow your guests! They’re super simple to make and go down so well with a good chunky dipping sauce.
CORNED MEAT ORIGINAL 300G View more recipes with this product


  • 1 can Bull Brand corned meat
  • 1 tbsp. Pakco Traditional Masala Curry Powder
  • 1 can Rhodes Quality processed peas
  • 1 packet spring roll papers – cut into rectangles
  • dipping sauce of choice


  1. In a pot, heat up oil to a medium temperature, not hot.
  2. In a frying pan, fry the bull brand corned meat until brown.
  3. Add the Pakco masala curry powder, seasoning, and the processed peas and stir to combine. Allow cooking for 10 minutes before taking it off the heat and allowing it to cool down completely.
  4. Once cooled, take the rectangular-shaped spring roll pastry. On one side, place a spoonful of the samoosa filling in the centre and fold over one corner to the other side. using your finger and a little water, glue the sides together to seal in the filling,
  5. Change direction and fold over the other corner to the opposite side of the pasty forming a triangle. Repeat this folding process until the pastry is finished and you have a triangular-shaped samosa.
  6. Fry the samoosa in moderate temperature oil and fry until the pastry is crispy.
  7. Serve with your choice of dipping sauce as a snack.

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