Umphokoqo with Beef Stew SERVES 4 The humble maize meal dish, Umphokoqo, is also known as African salad. And we’ve given it a delicious Bull Brand Twist and served it with beef stew.
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  • 625 ml (2¼ C) water
  • 10 ml (2 t) salt
  • 750 ml (3 C) maize meal
  • 15 ml (1 T) sunflower oil
  • 1 large onion, finely chopped
  • 1 red chilli, finely chopped
  • 10 ml (2 t) garlic, crushed
  • 3 large tomatoes, skinned and finely diced
  • 50 g tomato paste
  • 15 ml (3 T) sugar
  • 30 ml (2 T) corn starch (Maizena)
  • 250 ml (1 C) prepared beef stock (use a beef stock cube)
  • 1 x 300 g can Bull Brand Corned Beef, sliced
  • chopped parsley to taste
  • 15 ml (1 T) butter or margarine


  • Make the Umphokoqo first. Place the water and salt in a saucepan and bring to the boil. Using a fork, stir in the maize meal and continue to stir until the mixture is crumbly. Reduce the heat, cover with a lid and simmer on low heat for 30 minutes, stirring every few minutes with a fork until cooked to your liking.
  • Meanwhile make the stew. Heat the oil and add the onion. Fry until golden then add the chilli and garlic. Fry for a minute then add the tomatoes, tomato paste and sugar and stir well.
  • Mix the corn starch (Maizena) with a little of the stock then stir it into the tomato mixture. Now add the rest of the stock to the tomato mixture and bring to a boil. Cook until thickened, stirring all the time.
  • Add the Bull Brand Corned Beef and stir gently until heated through. Add the parsley and remove from the heat.
  • Stir the butter or margarine into the Umphokogo and serve with the stew.

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